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(919) 615-0020


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Franchise With A Purpose

If you're franchise hunting, and you keep hoping for that right fit-a proven business that inspires you enough to take the plunge: stop Googling. With senior home health care, you can have a successful franchise and meaningful work that directly serves your community. And you can do it with a proven system and a passionate team to support you through the whole Journey.

2019 Franchise Action Network "FAN of the Year" Award

2019 Winner of the Women's Business
Center of North Carolina

Where Wisdom Senior Care is recognized as an Active members of the IFA since 2017


We were brand new in this field so in terms of all the details -the hiring, operations, and assessments with the clients-Wisdom was helping us learn how to run a business. They are always a phone call away.

Philip Tan

Wisdom Business Owner
From day one, the training & mentoring was in-depth and gave me a blueprint to follow. The actual hands-on help and patience really allowed me to ask questions and grow every day. The team behind the scenes is amazing, ready to assist your every need. All one has to do is ask, and then follow the guidance of the team.

Patricia Miller

Wisdom Business Owner

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Only Made Better With the Opportunity to Serve.

You knew that you were ready for a new entrepreneurial challenge when you started to consider franchising. But the most popular opportunities don't always feel like a calling. The don't allow you to really serve. To see your work change lives as you invest in your own future is exactly what happens for you as a franchise at Wisdom Senior Care everyday.

87% of seniors in your community want to age with dignity in the comfort of their own home. But when their adult children try to care for them at home, they lack the expertise to do it right-or they burn out trying. With a single franchise, you can begin changing the lives right in your own community from your very first client.

The franchise system you choose is one of the most influential shapers of your success. We're transparent about our system because when faithfully followed-our business model and system processes really work.

The home health industry is one of the fastest growing markets in the U.S. But your hard earned investment deserves to be with a team that understands how to tap into that growth. When we award a franchise, we bring you all our expertise, but we also allow you the room to breathe support and as an independent business owner.

YOUR FIRST STEPS TO OWNERSHIPIt's Actually A Very Easy Process

Enjoy the freedom and autonomy that only business owners enjoy


Complete our 90-second form, our team will get back to you in less than 24 hours


We will chat for a few minutes to discuss our mutual goals and see if they align.


This is where we get a feel for each other. Let's find out if we're the right fit.


Recently I contacted Wisdom Senior Crae because I got painful debilitating hematoma from bumping my leg. The most important factor in my recovery was the home care worker's compassionate qualities.

Janis Parker

Franchise Client
My agency routinely refers to and works in concert with Wisdom. The staff will accept your loved one with confidence and care, and their communication and commitment are strong points.

Nancy Ruffner

Owner, Navigate NC Patient Advocate and Consultant

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