Contact Info
(919) 655 5068


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If you are looking for personal care services or assistance for your loved one, we are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

CONTACT US at (919) 655 5068 or  inquire online for a free consultation to learn how home care can benefit your family.

What is personal care service

“Mom needs help with a bath, can you make it over there today?”
If you’ve ever cared for an elderly loved one, you know that sometimes even the simplest task can be too risky or difficult for them to attempt on their own. Which means someone in the family has to get over there, especially before they try to do it on their own. 
That’s where our personal care services come in. And they can have a transformative effect. Not just because it helps with daily physical needs, but because it gives seniors back a sense of feeling independent again. They don’t feel like a burden to their loved ones and you don’t feel stressed trying to help them throughout every week.
So what’s included in personal care services?
Personal care service (also called “private duty care”) ranges from light help around the house to physical support through chronic conditions
And it’s this range that makes it one of our most accessed services. While some seniors are capable of day-to-day tasks, their loved ones might not feel totally comfortable with them on their own. This service attends to both your concern and your senior’s desire: they can keep their independence, but remain safe.
And personal care services extend to those not capable of carrying out their ADLs (Activities of Daily Life). Those might include bathing, personal hygiene, dressing, or mobility. Our caregivers are specifically trained to provide this level of hands-on assistance with respect and compassion.

Personal hygiene & bathing

When you feel unsteady on your feet or struggle with mobility, even a simple trip to relieve yourself can be stressful. And accepting help can make it even more taxing. With Wisdom, we prioritize empathy and expertise in providing these services. 
Whether helping with baths and personal hygiene, or incontinence and trips to the toilet, our care providers prioritize empathy, dignity, and respect when helping with these very personal activities. 


Many seniors have a prescribed meal plan which must be carefully followed to ensure they remain fit and healthy. Whether they need a caregiver to help them abide by a special diet, choose meals that support proper nutrition, or just need some help in the kitchen, we can help.
And that can include helping to tidy it after. 

Day-to-day tasks

Light tidying, putting away dishes, sorting mail—sometimes seniors start to neglect these seemingly simple tasks. But with a little help, they (and you) again can see what a difference a tidy place can make for them. They can get a more positive outlook again with the help from someone who cares.

Mobile and positioning assistance

Mobility assistance and transfers  might be to help our clients stay steady on their feet. It might be to help them out of walker or wheelchair. It might be to help them perform exercises prescribed by a PT. It can even be to prevent bedsores if they’re bed-ridden. 
Regardless of how mobile your loved one is, our caregivers are trained to help them move and transfer safely, lowering the risk of falls and injuries, and to help them feel empowered and more independent in independent in a least restrictive manner.


  • Meal prep
  • Light daily chores
  • Bathing 
  • Dressing
  • Wheelchair assistance
  • Walker assistance
  • Bed positioning
  • Monitoring special dietary needs
  • Helping with medications
  • Incontinence and toilet assistance
  • Driving to appointments
  • Other day-to-day help


Our caregivers aren’t only trained and certified for caregiving, but we only onboard people who feel a calling to serve the senior population. We don’t just screen our caregivers for their capabilities, we hire them for their compassion and their hearts.
We’re the only home care agency that so highly prioritizes that quality and character in our hiring process.
That’s why our clients continually speak highly of the quality of our caregivers’ personal care services. 

Call us any time to learn more:

If you are looking for personal care services or assistance for your loved one, we are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. 
Whether they need help cooking or bathing, or need more specialized services, we can help. 
Find out if our personal care services are right for your loved one.
        For a free consultation.


150 Cornerstone Drive STE 202

Cary, NC 27519

(919) 655 5068

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© 2025 All rights reserved. Wisdom Senior Care. Each agency is a franchise that is independently owned and operated.

The Franchisor, Wisdom Senior Care Inc., does not control or manage the day to day business operations of any Wisdom Senior Care franchised agency.